Pyrford Neighbourhood Forum
DATE: Thursday 12th June 2014
VENUE: 8pm Pyrford Village Hall
PRESENT: Martin Doyle (Chairman), Carole Gale, Angela Doyle, Geoff Geaves, Tracey McGuigan, Tony Pratt, Brian Wilson, Steve Wright
APOLOGIES: Graham Chrystie, Brian Dodd, Ian Mills, Ian Whittle
1.0 | Minutes of previous meeting were accepted. Tony Pratt mentioned that he had given his apologies for the last meeting but they weren’t recorded. | ||
2.0 | Several meet and greet events have taken place, including two church coffee mornings, a stand at the judo club and a stall and gazebo outside the shops. All were considered successful in gathering opinions and new members. A stall is also planned for the school fair on 21st June when childrens’ views will be sought | |
3.0 | Geoff reported for the Social and Community team. They have been talking to various people. Brian has spoken to Woking athletic club. The plan is to hire a hall for a focus group meeting, inviting 200 to attend and hoping for around 50 people to attend. Ideas for social and community will then be put to people in three categories;
Bus services, or lack thereof, appear to be an issue. TP mentioned that there is a Bustler service available for Woking residents with mobility difficulties BW mentioned the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) whereby local authorities can charge a levy for new developments in the area. There is a large amount of development taking place in Sheerwater and it was discussed whether some of the levy from this might be had rights could get a share of CIL There is also some cycling charity money as yet unspent. MD noted that it was uncertain whether Pyrford had rights to a share of the total borough-wide CIL, or only to CIL monies collected within Pyrford Ward, and suggested it would be useful to talk to the council to discuss whether our wishes are viable. Problem with footpaths were mentioned as and it was suggested that it might be useful to list the problems. Maurice Turner and Liz Bowes were mentioned as individuals who could be approached regarding how to get resolution over these problems. The worries regarding the primary school expansion have subsided, as numbers are only being expanded to take two bulge year classes, not to have full three form entry in every year |
4.0 | CG reported for open spaces. Two of the six landscape character studies have been completed. Open spaces questionnaire is completed. TM to accompany CG on next site visit. Visit to The Rough also arranged. Ernie Elliott has reported that there is a planning application to place a large container on a field in Pyrford Green which contains orchids – objections need to be in by Friday. | ||
5.0 | MD reported for Built environment. About 50% of the roads have been covered by Street Character Assessments. TM offered to organise survey of the Norfolk Farm Road area and to contact a friend who is willing to cover Pyrford Woods. TM mentioned that she has been doing research on listed buildings. She wondered if we could have pictures of the buildings in the plan. AD thought we would need the permission of the owners. CG mentioned that a Village Design Statement would be valuable to cover issues such as spaces for parking, density of housing, etc. | ||
6.0 | Upcoming events. Cricket Club Friday 13th – Forum will have a gazebo display. Next Wednesday (18th) is public meeting. Focus groups will report on progress to date. This will be billed as another chance to put in new ideas and to ask whether there is anything residents think we have missed. We need to know which issues people consider are the most important.
Also, we have booked a pitch at the Pyrford & Wisley Flower Show. It was agreed to postpone discussion over arrangements for this until the next committee meeting. |
7.0 | Finance. GC is talking to a lawyer about setting up a limited company for PNF. AD mentioned that we have received approval to get the full £7,000 DCLG grant and she believes that PNF is the first Forum to get 100% grant at the first time of asking. MD noted that we can’t get the funds until we have an operational bank account. Jo Sachak & MD have signed all the forms with Lloyds Bank. Lloyds have completed all the identity and anti-money laundering checks to their satisfaction. Nevertheless, it may still take another two weeks before we get an account number. | ||
8.0 | SW reported that the idea of using an outsider to run our website has stalled, as it looks like that it will be too expensive to pay someone to maintain it.
We have 80 followers on Facebook. SW also mentioned that he has had feedback that the logo is too staid. He knows some design people, so offered to ask their advice. |
9.0 | The meeting finished at 10.00pm. Next meeting was arranged for either July 3rd or the Tuesday following at 8.00pm, depending on hall availability. |
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